Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Effective Remedies for Acne Scars and Dark Spots

Acne is one of the most terrible skin conditions because it just leaves your beautiful face look so dull and rough. You need to know how to get rid of acne scars if you want a skin which is simply blemish free and looks radiant. Acne is a condition of the skin in which pimples, blackheads or whiteheads pop up on your face making your face look ugly. Sometimes these may be painful. Acne is not restricted to just teenagers but even adult men and women too may suffer from acne. But it is best to get treated for acne at the earliest. Acne scars may vary from person to person, so before applying any of the creams it is best to understand your acne type also.  

How to Get Rid of Acne Scars Naturally
Applying aloe vera gel is said to be one of the best natural treatment for acne scars. You can apply the fresh gel directly on the scars and leave it for atleast half an hour.

Drink as much water as possible since water is said to flush out the toxins from the body and thereby give you a clean and clear skin naturally.

Lemon juice is a natural remedy for treating acne scars. You can apply lemon juice on acne scars with the help of cotton pads and then after 15 minutes wash with lukewarm water. You can even mix a bit of rose water to lemon juice.

Tomato juice works wonders for acne scars treatment. Just apply tomato juice on your acne scars daily. Tomato also has skin whitening agents and hence you may apply it on your complete face. It prevents anti aging, helps to reduce appearance of scars. Tomato has vitamin A which is known to prevent clogging of the pores and thereby reduces acne occurrence.

Garlic juice is also said to be effective in acne treatment naturally. It  helps to eliminate which is responsible for causing acne. Just rub a garlic piece on the affected area.

Castor oil too may work wondesr for your acne treatment. Just apply the oil on the acne and leave it overnight.

How to Get Rid of Acne Scars: Common Treatments
There are various treatments which you might resort to if your acne condition is severe and shows no sign of control by natural methods.

Dermabrasion: it is basically a surgical procedure in which acne scars are frozen. In this process, a new fresh layer of skin comes on the face. This method however may have a few side effects too and therefore should be done by only a renowned dermatologist.

Laser Resurfacing: In this method a non-ablative laser is used to burn the scarred skin. Through this method, your skin will become soft and new.

Chemical Peel: This method is resorted to if you have very severe acne and may go for more than a month. This method makes use of fruit acids which helps to exfoliate the top layers of the skin and thereby removes acne scars.

Apart from all these tips on how to get rid of acne scars it  is also important for you to keep a proper skin care routine like taking proper food and water to prevent further occurrence.


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