Anyone who is suffering from acne or pimples does know how
important it is to get rid of dark spots on face.
You know why?
- It makes your skin look dull
- Your natural glow seems to have gone.
- It lowers down your self confidence.
- It hurts as well!!
Thus, it is very
important that we should go for the best possible natural treatment for darkspot on face.
And you know the
Good News?
It is easy and effective
to get rid of these spots at home by using these simple and yet effective
natural ingredients.
That's why i call
them as 'secret ingredients' because they make your skin beautiful and helps to
get rid of dark spots too.
Baking Soda for
Dark Spots on Face: It is one of the most popular and powerful natural
ingredient which can help get rid of even the most stubborn spots on your face.
This is so because it helps
to remove the old skin and promotes the growth of new skin.
All you need to do is to take 2 tbsp of baking soda
and 2-3 drops
of water. Mix the two well to make a fine paste.
Gently massage on your face and then leave for a few seconds only.
Then wash off with lukewarm water.
Repeating this procedure for a over a period of time helps get rid
of dark spots and acne scars too.
Yet another way is to make a liquid form of baking soda. So, just
take a jar and add 2 tbsp of baking soda in to it.
Now add a good amount of
water so that the baking soda gets almost dissolved in water and it looks like
a liquid not a paste.
Now with the help of a cotton ball you can apply it on your face,
especially where there are acne scars or spots.
Lemon Peel or Lemon Juice: What you
did with baking soda you can do with lemon peel powder or juice as well.
So, take a bowl and add 2 tbsp of yoghurt and 1 tbsp of orangepeel powder to it. Now add a few drops of lemon juice to it.
Mix all of these
well and apply this paste on your face. You can leave it for 15 minutes and
then wash off.
The other way is to simply use the lemon peel and gently
massage your face with it. Over a period of time even the hardest of dark spot
will tend to go away.
In fact, if you have dark elbows
you can massage the
lemon peel on your elbows and within a few weeks you will spot the difference.
Aloe Vera for Dark Spots: Aloe vera
is known as the dark spot
corrector. You can apply either the aloe vera gel either directly on the spots
or else you can mix a bit of turmeric to it and then apply.
Yet another effective way is to mix aloevera gel with VitaminE oil and then massage gently on the spots.
So, if you have real patience and a love for all things
natural than all these natural ingredients can really help you get rid of dark
spots on face within no time.
You can find lots more amazing skin care recipes and natural treatment at my pinterest board too. Just check it out here:
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